Tik Tok's Peanut Butter Anywhere Campaign

This Intense Inquiry was updated April 22, 2022

Copyright © 2008, E C Distributions

Correct information (truth) precedes useful knowledge and wisdom.

Any knowledge we presume to have accumulated along with the history we are taught and hold dear, has assembled a facade that only brings comfort for those who trust the perceptions of others, who are also lazy.

Are you one who is seeking truth?

"Albert Einstein's first wife, Mileva (Mitza) Maric, was also a brilliant physicist. They met at the Polytechnic Institute of Zurich, where she had fought for special permissions to attend, and she received higher marks than Albert. Mitza put in as much, if not more work on the theories accredited to Albert, but her contributions were not acknowledged because Albert told her a woman's name would prohibit their work from getting published.
Many of his lecture notes are in Mitza's handwriting, and Albert was once heard at a party saying, "I need my wife, she helps solve all of my mathematical problems." 80% of Albert Einstein's famous works were published during this marriage, and are referred to as his "magic years." Aside from what has been presented in history, those magical years ended abruptly, after they divorced due to his infidelity and abandonment."
Happy Women's History Month to the real genius of the Einstein family, Mileva Maric

"Choreographobia," an intense fear that what is being heard, seen, or presented is a very tight orchestration of information intended to compromise an individual and/or society standards, and deceitfully persuade as many as possible to walk away from previously accepted principles of time tested truths. The goal of Choreographers' is to justify their displacement of good with evil by promoting a false facade of a new freedom, which will continue our civil society on its journey towards safety and peace.

My name is Edmund. This is where you can find me. I do not live here, and yet it is known as my Home Page. I have no doubts, however, as to where I currently live. I also understand that I cannot determine the degree of your interests in what you find here, anymore than I can change your convictions or beliefs. I simply hope you enjoy your visit and are in some way inspired toward things which are true and the good that is ever-present in life.

My premise is simple and sincere. There are no intentions of deceiving or misleading anyone with anything that is not valid. My perspective is not to present this knowledge in a way that it will be understood, rather, that this knowledge be presented in a way that it will not be misunderstood. Being told what is presented herein is impossible, by someone who has only been told by another someone it is impossible, perpetuates the agenda of those benefiting from its suppression. Simplicity cannot displace willful ignorance.

A Serious and very intense Inquiry into John Bedini's Concepts
and Two, separate, reverse engineered Transient Phase Spreadsheet Simulations
to assist Fiddlers with an easy Implementation

Intro to An Energizing World of Mysterious Charges
Bedini and the School Girl Motor

In the Beginning There Were Spikes
Tesla's Revisited Perceptions
Intro to My Very Interactive Transient Phase Simulation
Transient Phase Simulation #1 Instructions

Build the Bedini School Girl They Knew
Building the Simplified SG Now Known

The Electric Car

Their Electric Car

Transient Phase Simulation #2 Instructions

A Self-sustaining Sequential Bi-Polar Ground Switching Spike Hz Electron Pump

What We Now Know

This is HOME

E-mail Questions or comments.

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