Well Beyond What Tesla Knew, or What Bedini, or Anyone Knew of Tesla

Copyright © 2008, E C Distributions

A Self-sustaining, Sequential, Bi-Polar Ground Switching Spike Hz Electron Pump
(Second Spreadsheet)

Series 4 Version 2A CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY (1 of 3)

Series 4 Version 5D CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY (2 of 3)

Series 4 Version 6F CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY (3 of 3)

This journey began with one simple desire, and the goal was to unravel a complete comprehension of both what was known and not only be able to explain the mysterious, but also allow consistent replication of those successes. The ultimate path of this journey was unknown, and the amounts of extremely useful information that came were beyond any predictable degree, yet the approach of reverse engineering known successes has established a very firm foundation of operational Principles, and the soundness of this foundation has provided numerous opportunities with respect to profound deductive analysis, which amplifies our comprehension and lifts our insights to levels previously unknown.

The entire concept is based on Nikola Tesla's work, yet there were several specific and intricate realities in play. Tesla did comprehend that what he had observed in the production of Lightning was valid, for he could consistently replicate the new Energy's creation. However, Tesla had no comprehension where the Impulse Energy was originating and, therefore, had difficulty transmitting his experience and breath-taking knowledge to those who would not listen to specifics concerning what he actually knew about this new Energy.

At the heart of what Tesla could not convey lies a concept of Transient Phases. We were effectively isolated from both the things which Tesla did and did not know. Until now those who controlled the system had won, and Tesla's vision was diminished. We have been dancing a great distance from the fire Tesla created, only hoping to feel the warmth.

A compilation of what my reverse engineering process has revealed over time is quite remarkable. There is no way to confirm HOW MUCH of What is Now Known was actually Known by Tesla. Intellectually, however, this work delivers some very sound and astonishing revelations about this new Energy and Transient Phases.

Tesla had thought Energy was associated with alternations. Many still embrace Tesla's initial interpretations. Tesla's apex accomplishment did not come of alternations. His research compelled him to consider beyond his previous conclusions. His hunger to comprehend and his desire to be certain allowed a new perception (see this Web Site's section titled, "Tesla's Perceptions," Part Three). Thus, Tesla's apex achievement reveals the New Efficient Energy comes of Impulses. This Presentation, which embraces the Third Principle, and neither of My Transient Phase Simulations would have any meaning without the Impulses Tesla isolated and identified. This New Energy is directly associated with how the frequencies of these chaotic Impulses influence Copper's (non-Magnetic) Electrons, and, thus, enable the Transient Phase to deliver the greater Efficiencies.

My studies and research have brought a comprehension that ALL Potential Differences are enabled, through a frequency combination, by an expression of a Transient Phase, which is the Primary Principle of a unique Electron stage where a dynamic organizational reaction begins as two dissimilar Elements' and/or two frequencies Impulses are interacting to form an isolated, Battery like, Charge from the two frequencies chaotic Impulses. The "Transient Phase" occurs when a conductive non-Magnetic material's chaos is subjected to an Instantaneous Voltage, and thereby, induces a Magnetic Field. This is the same chaotic stage where Tesla learned how to build a Circuit that mimics the way Lightning creates Impulse Energy. This new Impulse Energy is here-in referenced as Energy. This Energy originates as a conducting non-Magnetic material (such as Copper) is subjected to an Electric and Magnetic Field's Impulse.

This broad statement encompasses all forms or creations of any Potential Difference. Whether presented by Lightning, Electric Eels, Electric Ray, Black Ghost Knifefish, man-made Batteries, static rubbing your feet on the carpet, running a plastic comb or balloon through hair, experimenting with a Van de Graaff Generator, turning the crank of a Wimshurst Machine, operating a Lindon Experiment, designing an Alternator or Generator, charging or using a Battery, watching Lightning, or constructing a circuit which mimics the production of Electrons to employ the Principle of powering a Load while sustaining your Power Source's Electrons. These are all harnessing an Electric or Magnetic Impulse.

The common threads for ANY Potential Difference are directly associated with an obscure, natural, expression of a Transient Phase. It is most noteworthy, however, that the potential frequency combinations achieved with electronic circuit control expand the man-made Potential "Well Beyond most naturally occurring events."

There is an obvious progression evidenced in my overall Presentation. These progressive contribution's were powerful landmarks, and very instrumental towards extracting not only the Transient Phase, but, also, isolating both the Principles which sustain a Transient Phase's influences and assisted in unraveling new revelations to clarify the Nature and previously unknown breadth of Transient Phase characteristics.

When evaluating only "What They Knew," the individual would never know the Bedini focus was One Dimensional. Not knowing this Dimensional status fact could contribute massive amounts of confusion when already inconsistent meter readings are, suddenly, even more inconsistent. Yet, we are present, in this portion of My Presentation, to introduce the Two Dimensional Transient Phase. Welcome to A Self-sustaining Sequential Bi-Polar Ground Switching Spike Hz Electron Pump.

Jan 19, 2025, Conversation on the Third Principle...
Edmund Cook
I now know the actual origins of all electric charges.

Brent Christensen
hmmm, you'll have to share.

Edmund Cook
There is a common thread, whether the charge is from Lightning, a fish, a battery, your feet rubbing on the carpet, or a comb or balloon through your hair... and its not friction as we have been taught.... Every element carries its own, specific frequency and, when any (at least) two elements come near each other, there is a third, chaotic frequency... the potential difference is determined by the characteristics of the chaos...

Brent Christensen
Like the binaural effect only with resonance? Hmmm, interesting, I think you're on to something!

Edmund Cook
I know I am, and the implications are stunning... Imagine, 2 Million Volts being generated at will from a 2 Volt Source.... You no longer have to Imagine..... .... and here's the grand kick in the pants... In nature, these frequency mixes are restricted by the limited frequencies of the known elements. In electronic circuits, however, the veil of restrictions have no limits....

Rick Hulse
Interesting thought. It kind of corresponds with some of the string theory.

Edmund Cook
John Bedini's contributions offered a One Dimensional response from a Transient Phase. My research has not only complemented Bedini's efforts, but also expands the comprehension of this New Energy, exposing also a Two Dimensional response from a Transient Phase. It is this Third Principle where these marvelous perceptions of the Two Dimensional Realm and the common threads of Potential Differences have been realized...

Edmund Cook
The Eighth Principle identifies an intense and immense Molecular level Magnetic Resonance Electron Energy transference potential within a Transient Phase. This is where we find the reality for a massive Potential Electron Current Density Difference. This Molecular level Magnetic Resonance is only referenced as "Magnetics being the secret to Energy." That which the world has ignored or missed is that there are Molecular level influences that Magnetic Resonance exhibits on non-Magnetic Elements.

So, Bedini had One Dimensional Impulses, and One Dimensional Impulses in a Transient Phase are very capable of producing more Electrons than are being consumed by a Load. These One Dimensional Impulses are not random, and the Output is the focus of the First Transient Phase Simulation Spreadsheet, which is a phenomenal feat, to say the least.

We cannot precisely extract what Tesla had, for Tesla could neither isolate or identify the characteristic Source of the New Energy. Whether Tesla's New Energy was One Dimensional or Two Dimensional is impossible to determine, but there are at least Six strange anomalies with Two Dimensional Transient Phase Impulse Circuits.
#1 My second Transient Phase Spreadsheet Simulation was designed to assist with finding the useful and random Power Outputs among all the chaos. A User begins the process by choosing the operational level of Inductance, and then determines f,m,u,p,mp and CB1 for further guidance, These determinations both establish a Scale of chaos and, therefore, provide the random targets of Potential Energy on the selected Waves. Please Note any of these Three settings (along with Voltage and other components' characteristics) alter the Waves and the random targets. The random encountered "YES" responses in the Spreadsheet Simulation represent Potential references where useful Power may be possible. A random pattern was isolated very quickly, inasmuch as each change in any Circuit components' value alters the cycles (or rhythm) where the Energy is randomly presented. I do have Charts which display the "YES" chaos responses at various Inductances across the entire Capacitance's scale. Each "YES" response, or Niche, and every Pocket of Niches stand as testaments to the existence of Impulses. This chaos Scale was created in conjunction with the Dimensional random realities I was witnessing.
#2 For the most part, the Voltage at any of the Circuit's several Outputs is fairly consistent, and the Two Dimensional Impulses in a Transient Phase are also very capable of producing more Electrons than are being consumed by a Load.
#3 Each particular Circuit's level of chaos' Current delivery capacity is also random and unpredictable.
#4 There are random chaos frequencies where Voltage and Current Output can produce a substantial amount of real power. These Power Outputs also vary randomly among the randomness and can be very substantial increases.
#5 The "YES" Niche response patterns vary. There are times when "YES" responses fill the entire chaos Scale, times when "YES" responses are scattered in waves, times when "YES" responses are like standing waves. and times when the distance between "YES" response waves will either increase or decrease. I have labeled these "YES" Niche response patterns as Pockets of waves, and, once again, the validity of what both programs (My second Transient Phase Simulation Spreadsheet and CircuitMaker) are independently doing to compliment each other and confirm a potential presence of actual power is stunning. For instance, if I take a Pocket of Ten "Yes" Niches from My second Transient Phase Simulation Spreadsheet's chaos Scale, the highest performance for this Pocket in CircuitMaker is near the center of the Ten "YES" Niches...
#6 The overall Efficiency of a Transient Phase's employed chaos is actually a result of a "tuned Circuit," and every aspect of each Circuit component intricately contributes to the whole tuned Circuit's Dynamic and chaotic nature. Every miniscule component's characteristic change is reflected in the Dynamic chaos a particular "tuned Circuit" generates, thus, the Dynamics of chaos are manifest in the Efficiency of the "tuned Circuit's" Output.

Becoming lost in what we think we know is a simple task. Group Think that avoids principles of reality will ignore the very clear declarations Tesla made with his demonstrations, which reflected both his personal research and literal achievements. Those who isolate demonstrated realities from declarations of principle fail to either lead or inspire common sense.

The following Four Charts are a flash-back to my first Presentation. It is noteworthy that at the time Charts #1, #2, and #18 were being created, I had no conceptual footing for the Transient Phase's influence, or how deep that influence actually was. By the time the Percentage Curve Chart was realized, the panoramic view of the Transient Phase influence had begun. The focus was Efficiency, and looking back is no different than reviewing the history of Tesla from what is now known. It is amazing to look back and see these intelligent men struggling to describe and promote what they had experienced and discovered in terms which no one, including themselves, were familiar. Surprisingly, most of what had been observed in my earlier research remained unchanged. However, all the enhancements and pieces found on my journey have fit together seamlessly.

The four following charts identify a major landmark in my journey. There was a dramatic change in my focus when Percentage Curve Relationships were isolated. This change both introduced and was eventually enhanced to be identified as the final Principle, or another level of comprehension for the limitations on all who were trying to replicate Tesla's apex achievement, and not only exposed a deeper perspective of chaos that no one I have ever known was even aware of (which, like the School Girl Motor/Generator, Efficiently replaces consumed Electrons), but also introduced a secondary Dimension of random cycles within the deeper perspective of chaos, where random cycles present massive amounts of Efficiently that may create Voltage and Current (or Power).

Well Beyond What They All Knew

Fig. #5 (below) is where the transformation from Bedini's One Dimension of chaos (the old) to Two Dimensions of this deeper perspective of chaos (the new) began.

My characteristic descriptions of chaos are directly associated with VL Spikes, and the only negative presentation of these Spikes, at this deeper perspective of chaos, is very similar to what Bedini describes in association with his School Girl Motor/Generator (see Intro to My Very Interactive Transient Phase Simulation, Fig. #23). The One Dimensional chaos is very capable of producing more than enough Electrons (in its AVE DC) to supplement/replace what is being consumed from a Source Battery to Power a Load.

We are now in a comfortable position to have the Second Dimension introduced, placing the reader Well Beyond What They All Knew. The Second of the Two Dimensions described here-in is established by the Pulses creating this deeper perspective of chaos' VL Spike Energy (or extra Electrons) occurring as either Positive or Negative in relation to the previous VL Spike's AVERAGE LEVEL OF DC (which are all visible in Fig #6).

My research has discovered, (or rediscovered ... depending on interpretations of how much Tesla did know), not only what Kromrey, Bedini and others missed in recreating Tesla's apex achievement, but I comprehend the biggest challenge for Tesla and all who attempted, subsequently, to replicate Tesla's apex achievement, was the control of an Energy which they did not comprehend. I now know where the Impulse Energy originates and also have the formulas to control the process.

Tesla references “Sparks” and the “aether” and Bedini calls this Energy the “vacuum or Radiant Energy.” Tesla was rejected by his peers for not having supportive formulas, Raymond Kromrey sought the secret for Tesla's mystery and became a central pillar, and Bedini, spring-boarding from Kromrey, is in the same boat. Even though I reference Ron Cole and have been aware of his Bi-Polar Switching Circuit for several years, I have still not found success with his design. What follows are my perceptions of Ron Cole's intent, and the end product of what I perceived is streamlined and more advanced. The first (Primary) Principle isolates the Transient Phase. The second Principle (an Analysis Current Driven Power Amplification) presents a greater Efficiency with Effectively Inverted Voltage, Effectively Inverted Amps, Effectively Inverted Resistance and, consequently, Effectively Inverted Power. The third and culminating Two Dimensional Principle my research isolates is called "A Self-sustaining, Sequential, Bi-Polar Ground Switching Spike Hz Electron Pump."

The similarities this Third Principle's deeper perspective of chaos has, in comparison to the other Primary and Secondary' Circuits' differing Switch #1 approaches to create VL Spikes , are found in the simple reality they all demonstrate a Potential Difference Energy that parallels the Efficiency of Lightning. If we lose sight of Efficiency to satisfy a thirst for electrical power (or Work), the Wheel-works of Elemental Forces become our nemesis. The potential of this non-Magnetic response in a Transient Phase inspires one to investigate the Efficiency of creating enough such Spikes (the AVE DC), that there is more Electron Energy captured than is being consumed to Power a load. Tesla knew Batteries are not recharged to restore their Current (or Intensity) capacity.”

My experience with and knowledge of these Three Mysterious Transient Phase Principles offer very unique perspectives for how evasive actual history has been, especially when the elite have selfish motives. It is clear by the Transient Phase foundation that these Three isolated Principles not only adhere to obscure laws, but also reveal a literal foundation for verifiable claims of a more Efficient Energy from Pulses. Reality is dynamically simple. Experience, determination, technology and the mysterious have congealed with sound theories and formulas, embracing broad support for a more Efficient Energy.

Series 4 Version 2A CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY (1 of 3)

Series 4 Version 5D CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY (2 of 3)

Series 4 Version 6F CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY (3 of 3)

Either any of my Transient Phase Simulations or the CircuitMaker Program are using Excel
(or Spreadsheet type techniques) for their intense calculations.
It is, therefore, advisable and wise to know Three things:
Any of these resources files can be corrupted if your computer's resources are over-taxed.
and a requirement to use any of the Transient Phase Simulations is to have Excel or an equivalent.
Preserve Original File, and Work only from a backup to avoid File corruption when using these resources, and be vigilant protecting your work.

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