Beyond What Bedini Knew of Tesla

Copyright © 2008, E C Distributions

Intro to My Very Interactive Transient Phase Simulation,
(Spreadsheet #1)

History is replete with events which congealed after other prerequisite activities allowed even further advances. My research independently unraveled and confirmed, after an intense review of history, that my conclusions had indeed congealed previously in history, and were published in the early 1840's, before Tesla's research, and the scant record even offers a plausible reason why the Principle was not employed.

The concept is based on Nicola Tesla's work, yet there were several specific realities in play. Tesla did comprehend that what he had observed in the production of Lightning was valid, for he replicated the Energy creation. Tesla did not, however, know where the Impulse Energy was originating and, therefore, had difficulty transmitting his experience and knowledge to those who would not listen to what was known about this new Energy. From this Scientist's/Author's understanding, Tesla did attempt to acquire a Patent, but such was rejected because his claim tied the Energy to a natural process. All those, outside of the government, who have attempted to replicate the apex of Tesla's achievement did not have Tesla's records and, therefore, knowing only that it had been done, they had no specific guidance beyond what could be found because of the fire that destroyed Tesla's lab. A reverse-engineering of Bedini's correct perceptions has made My Transient Phase Simulator possible, which has become a masterful tutor concerning where the Energy comes from and how to control this new Energy. (My Transient Phase Simulation is a great resource to comprehend this.) Removing the confusion and contradictions allows for a serious analysis with respect to the Energy's actual origination.

I have actually seen and read several Patents (Kromrey, Bedini, etc) that were attempts to replicate Tesla's achievement. My research has discovered, (or rediscovered ... depending on interpretations of how much Tesla did know), not only what Kromrey, Bedini and others missed in recreating Tesla's apex achievement, but I comprehend the biggest challenge for Tesla and all who attempted to replicate Tesla's achievement was controlling an Energy for which they did not understand its origins. They have had the formulas for nearly 100 years, yet, I now know where the Impulse Energy originates and also have the formulas to control the process. I have created 2 million Volts from 2 Volts.....

Tesla references “Sparks” and the “aether” and Bedini calls this Energy the “vacuum or Radiant Energy.” Tesla was rejected by his peers for not having supportive formulas, Raymond Kromrey sought the secret for Tesla's mystery and became a central pillar, and Bedini, spring-boarding from Kromrey, is in the same boat. I do not challenge their claims, for I recognize many honest individuals have experienced an obscure, but real phenomena that has not been sufficiently explained, and their consistent results are now comprehensible, predictable and controllable.

My experience with and knowledge of these two Mysterious Principles (Primary Principle of the Transient Phases and the Secondary Principle from an Analysis Current Driven Power Amplification) offer very unique perspectives for how evasive actual history has been, especially when the elite have selfish motives. It is clear such Principles not only adhere to obscure laws, but also reveal a literal foundation for verifiable claims of a more Efficient Energy. My bold claim is I have never believed their declarations for where the Energy they witnessed originated, yet my research connects formulas and offers a direct challenge. The histories and research of Tesla, Kromrey and Bedini inspired my puzzling path, where several of my appliances were destroyed before the Secondary Principle was recognized and, then, comprehended, and a more Efficient Energy was exposed. Each characteristic described in the Secondary Principle's Presentation, Analysis Current Driven Power Amplification, was real and valid, even though I had not, yet, become familiar with the Primary Principle of Transient Phases. The Secondary Principle stands mysteriously on its own. However, there is a very strange Realm when the Efficiencies of both Realms are united. This is a Presentation of the Primary Principle (Transient Phase), where Efficiency becomes even more Dynamic.

Reality is dynamically simple. Experience, determination, technology and the mysterious have congealed with sound theories and formulas, embracing broad support for a more Efficient Energy.

The inspiring Primary Tesla premise is reflected in both Kromrey's Generator and the Bedini North Pole Motor/Generator
(or School Girl Motor see Fig. 21 on this Page of the Web Site), boldly declaring and demonstrating Tesla's thesis; that there is, initially, a higher AVERAGE Electron Voltage Energy present in any controlled repetitive level of an Inductive Reactance's Transient Phases' Spikes (see Figs. 23, the Spike hz 'Electron' Pump on this Page of the Web Site). Tesla's sparks were actually VL's Spikes. The higher level Voltage of Lightning originates as two dissimilar Elements' and/or two frequencies Impulses are interacting to form an isolated, Battery like, Charge. The "Transient Phase" occurs when a conducting non-Magnetic material is subjected to the cycling Transient Phases' higher Instantaneous Voltage Transformation Potential Differences and, thereby, these Timed, repetitive Inductive Reactance's Transient Phases induce a commensurately higher Average number of Electrons (see Figs. 24, Wave Clarity on this Page of the Web Site). This dynamic, low Voltage Inductive Transformation is reflected in Copper's (non-Magnetic) response to maintain an Electron Density equilibrium as Electrons are being compressed in cyclical Transient Phases controlled by Switch #1 ... and, wallah, what exists when a circuit has been designed to accommodate each requirement of a successful higher Potential Difference Density Intensity of Electrons?

The Electron Density VL increase may be designed to manifest a capturable Potential Difference that is greater than the initial Source V which created the VL Spike; this expression of FREE Energy being manifest when a non-Magnetic material's response to a developing Magnetic Field as cyclical Instantaneous Voltage Transformation Potential Differences are originating in an Inductive Transient Phases' Electron compression!

A Secondary premise for Efficient VL's Spikes and Current Amplification (My Secondary Principle's Circuit see Figs. 20), demonstrates there can be a more Efficient Energy if low Voltage Electrons are transformed into a higher Voltage. There are very unique insights from My Secondary Circuit's Principle, as these designs defy Bedini's claim of VL's Spikes having no advantages in a Closed Loop circuit. Another anomaly is manifest by the higher AVE OUT DC being able to draw a commensurate increase in EIAs to fully power a Load at the higher AVE DC. These particular EIR Transformations are both strange and unusual, and were demonstrated in types of My Circuit that run a 120 V vacuum on 30 V and destroyed my fridges and microwave. The Efficiencies of My Diode Switch #1 Circuits' were found to be in the profound realities of higher EIA are more Efficient when accompanied by lower EIR and EIV.

The similarities of these Primary and Secondary' Circuits' differing Switch #1 approaches to create VL Spikes demonstrate a Potential Difference Energy that parallels the Efficiency of Lightning. If we lose sight of Efficiency to satisfy a thirst for electrical power (or Work), the Wheel-works of Elemental Forces become our nemesis. The potential of this non-Magnetic response inspires one to investigate the Efficiency of creating enough such Spikes (the AVE DC), that there is more Electron Energy captured than is being consumed to Power a load. Tesla knew Batteries are not recharged to restore their Current (or Intensity) capacity.”

Becoming lost in what we think we know is a simple task. Group Think that avoids principles of reality will ignore the very clear declarations Tesla made with his demonstrations, which reflected both his personal research and literal achievements. Those who isolate demonstrated realities from declarations of principle fail to either lead or inspire common sense.

What they knew and have promoted publicly is basically represented in the sequence of the next four pictures.

To accomplish Tesla's Premise, the Bedini Control Circuit orchestrates the Transient Phase Timing required, (or t sequences in the Primary Oscillations' Command Center see Transient t Phases), to create a higher Efficiency Electron Density Energy Potential from a collapsing Magnetic Field's compression of a non-Magnetic Copper's Electrons. An additional Timed symbiotic Control Circuit captures this higher Efficiency Electron Density Energy, and, together, these two Control Circuits work intimately to facilitate Switch #1 Timed Transient Phases' (or TP Series and Cycles... see Figs. 21) that prevent the more Efficient Energy from Ghosting (or being absorbed by ground) by altering the Ot's initial calculated path of being grounded (Ghosting) to the path of least Resistance (where Current is equal to VL divided by the least Resistance), and then capture the Electron Density Energy increase. Note: The Transient Phase exists independently of the Timing Control Circuit, and this level of control does not include any management of the Electrons per second. All of these events transpire in each Transient Phase, and the Control Circuit is simply a mechanism to both prevent the higher Efficiency Electron Density Energy from Ghosting and also capture the higher Efficiency Electron Density Energy.

The new Energy is produced in the back EMF or the VL Spikes, but this new Energy is not usable until it has been created in a Transient Phase, isolated, captured and released into a secondary battery, and all these in their proper Time.

Much of the information in this Presentation directs readers towards Bedini's public discussion of the basic Tesla concept, however, a broader explanation, which illustrates explicit Timing details for VL's Spikes and Waves parameters and characteristics, is in order. The beginnings of Tesla's broader context are exposed in Figs. 23 and 24, opening a smorgasbord for Fiddling Tinkerers to comprehend a mysterious dynamic Ratio between Electrons and Magnetism, and then employ their creative streaks, and establish their reign.

My premise is simple and sincere. There are no intentions of deceiving or misleading anyone with anything that is not valid. My perspective is not to present this knowledge in a way that it will be understood, rather, that this knowledge be presented in a way that it will not be misunderstood. Being told what is presented herein is impossible, by someone who has only been told by another someone it is impossible, perpetuates the agenda of those benefiting from its suppression. Simplicity cannot displace willful ignorance.

They knew the “Copper's Electron chaos” exists.

They knew the “Original Wave Ot ON” (Shoveler #2) controls Switch #1's (Shoveler #1's) Timing.

They knew the “Transient Phase B's Wave” has “two independent states”.

They knew these “two independent states” are controlled by a sequence of t's.

They knew the “second independent state” provided Time to capture Energy that would normally Ghost.

They knew each series “t1 ON” is injecting an additional “t1 ON” to the Timing sequence cycle, as each of the two “t1 ON” Magnetic Fields collapse and the secondary t1 Energy finds an Efficient refuge through the 1 K (Resonance tuning) Resistor, effectively doubling the number of VL Spikes. (see Fig. 24)

We know the Elements actively pursue the least Resistance for a stable Electron Charge balance.

We know, even though there are Elemental considerations which create Potential Energy Electron Charge Differences
, a universal dynamic compels Chaos towards equilibrium.

We know the mysterious dynamic Ratio between Electrons and Magnetism is comprehensible.

And We know Tesla discovered
, through deductive reasoning, how the massive Energy source exhibited by Lightning is processed and developed by an Electric or Magnetic Impulse.

And We know they had no knowledge or comprehension for the origins of either the Impulse or its VL Spikes.

And We know the origins of VL Spikes, which also leads us to comprehend why earlier meter readings make no sense.

And We know Tesla was simply providing the Potential Energy Density Difference of the 6.24 * 1018 Electrons that were being consumed each second through a very low-Watts-powered circuit.

And We know Tesla was completely cognizant that every Source Voltage increase is met with a commensurate decrease in Efficiency.

And We know Tesla was also completely cognizant of the simple reality that Power (or Work) is commensurate with Current (or AMPS), and not Source VOLTAGE increases.

And We anticipated an association between AMPS and VL Spikes, but were very surprised to discover Percentage Ratio Charts reveal both that there is not only a direct equivalency between AMPS and VL Spikes and the AVE DC, but a Percentage Ratio Chart also makes it clear there is no Source Voltage influence on the Percentage Ratio relationship associations between AMPS and VL Spikes or the AVE DC.

And We know Tesla had deductively demonstrated there were no Energy limits when an Impulsed Potential Energy Density Difference can be self-sustained.

We Know there are unique and intense differences between the three types of Resistances: The OHMIC Resistance carries the traditional Voltage drops we are familiar with, and the resistive Reluctance of an Inductive Reactance within a Transient Phase of a conductive non-Magnetic material's chaos is represented by a significant increase in initial Voltage that is inversely controlled by Time, or t1. The third type of Resistance is the Negative Resistance introduced by Diodes...

And, knowing both the AMP associations and the three types of Resistances, We have now deduced the differences between our electricity and its close cousin are rooted in distinct variations between building a man-made Charge in a Battery and allowing that Magnetic characteristics' AMPS carry the Electrons' Charge and just do the Work. Electrons expressing Working AMPS need not be diminished by Magnetic Reluctance, like Voltage is to OHMIC Resistance.

We know the meter reading confusion may have also had contributions from the additional VL Spikes, which were not accounted for in the actual VL Spikes' frequency.

We know Bedini's early statements leave a false impression VL Spikes needed to be accumulated before transferred to charge the Battery Bank. It is isolation that is needed.

We know the Switch #1's “t1 ON Pulse” (or Transient t1 Phase B's Wave ON) is the precursor
for a VL Spike.

We know there is a greater amount of Energy present when chaos is organized, and this expression of Energy can become an isolated Potential Difference's Charge.

We know the new Energy is produced in the back EMF (or VL Spikes), but this new Energy is not usable until it has been created in a Transient Phase, isolated, captured and released, and all these in their proper Time.

We know the Switch #1's “t1 ON Pulse” (or Transient Phase B's t1 Wave ON) is compressing Electrons in chaos, and this compression creates “or organizes” an isolated Potential Difference's Charge.

We also know Switch #1's “t2's OFF” (or Transient t2 Phase B's Wave OFF) signal allows “a Magnetic Field collapse to create a VL Spike.

We also know Timing of Switch #1's “t2's OFF” (or Transient t2 Phase B's Wave OFF) “determines the level for the VL Spike.

We also know “Transient t3's Relaxation Phase” (after the Spike's capture in Transient t3's Phase C's Wave OFF) resets the Copper's Electron chaos.

We also know The contributions of each component and the very numerous effects available with differing combinations of component values is extremely dynamic.

We now know a "Transient Phase" is the Primary Principle of a unique Electron stage where a dynamic organizational reaction begins as two dissimilar Elements' and/or two frequencies Impulses are interacting to form an isolated, Battery like, Charge from the two frequencies chaotic Impulses. The "Transient Phase" occurs when a conductive non-Magnetic material's chaos is subjected to an Instantaneous Voltage and, thereby, induces a Magnetic Field. This is the same chaotic stage where Tesla learned how to build a Circuit that mimics the way Lightning creates Impulse Energy. This new Impulse Energy is here-in referenced as Energy. This Energy originates as a conducting non-Magnetic material (such as Copper) is subjected to an Electric and Magnetic Field's Impulse.

This broad statement encompasses all forms or creations of any potential difference. From rubbing the soles of your shoes on a carpet, combing your hair, running a balloon over your hair, experimenting with a Van de Graaff Generator, turning the crank of a Wimshurst Machine, operating a Lindon Experiment, designing an Alternator or Generator, charging or using a Battery, watching Lightning, or constructing a circuit which mimics the production of Electrons to employ the Principle of powering a Load while sustaining your Power's Source.

We have the information needed to design a Spike hz Electron Pump for creating VL Spikes in Figs. #23, and Figs. #24 offer the necessary controls for the Spike hz Electron Pump's AVE DC. These two Spike hz Electron Pump sections and their Source Supply are completely separate elements that are isolated from the Charge Batteries and the rest of your Circuit. Your Spike hz Electron Pump is simply intended to produce enough Electrons to maintain the initial Electron Volt Charge of your Charge Batteries. The Efficiency of this Impulse Electron Volt Charge coming from your Spike hz Electron Pump is where the magic and mystery begins. A Spike hz Electron Pump is not necessarily producing Power, and this fact removes both the magic and the mystery from the equation. This one simple and unexpected reality suppresses any and all from continuing to defy the reality of Tesla's claim. Imagine a Spike hz Electron Pump that is only consuming 60 Watts, yet this low powered Electron Pump is Efficiently maintaining the Electron Volt Charge in a Bank of Batteries that are powering a 96 Kilowatt Motor. Tesla's mysterious and elusive secret is this simple. Anyone can claim this concept is impossible or deceitful. Tesla demonstrated this reality and my research not only validates what Tesla knew, but also provides answers to the questions Tesla was asked and could not answer.

Bedini wrote, “So here it is… for the tinkerer …., not for the scientist. You must be careful, …. it is a little tricky to adjust and synchronize all the resonances. You'll have to fiddle …. Also, we warn you (this is no toy) The resonating battery electrolyte produces hydrogen, and if you hit a battery too hard with a "Voltage Spike" …. it will explode, so … use the utmost caution.

But it does work. Have at it. Build - Tinker - Fiddle it into Resonant operation. Let's build this thing in quantity, sell it widely.

Basic Inductive Principles

Magnetic Flux is analogous to electric Current. Magneto-motive Force, MMF, is analogous to the Electromotive Force, EMF, and, according to traditional thought, is the factor that sets up the Flux. The MMF is equivalent to a number of wire Turns carrying an electric Current and has units of Ampere-turns. If either Current through a Coil (as in an electromagnet) or the number of Turns in the Coil are increased, MMF is greater, and , if the rest of the Magnetic circuit remains the same, the Magnetic Flux increases proportionally. One Gauss is defined as one Maxwell per square centimeter.

The Right-hand-rule is of note because specific positions of the North Poles are required for VL Spike functionality.
Faraday related the rate of Magnetic Field Flux change with an induced instantaneous VL.

Magnetic Fields affect the Density and Intensity of Electrons and cause a Force to develop between the Electrons.
Magnetically induced VL Spikes can only occur when Magnetic Field Flux is changed rapidly.
Field Force is the amount of push over a distance (Voltage, or V),
and this Force can be present in empty space
Field Flux is the quantity, or effect of Force through space (Current, or I),
and Field Flux cannot exist without Electron motion
The shape of a Coil determines the strength, performance and other characteristics of the Coil's Magnetic Field.
An Inductor's Energy storage is related to the Coil's Current demands.
To release Energy, Current Intensity must be rapidly changed,
(ie…a decrease in Field strength and a Source Voltage drop).
When a Source Voltage is applied to a non-Magnetic Inductor, there is an entire Source Voltage drop.
As Current begins to flow, the Magnetic Field's Intensity increases until Current reaches a Coil's maximum Energy.
Turns are related to Magnetic Field Flux Forces.
Greater Coil area presents less opposition to the Magnetic Field Flux per Amp-Turns Ratio.
Longer Magnetic Field Flux paths carry greater opposition to the formation of Amp-Turn Flux.
Higher Magnetic Permeability results in greater Amp-Turn Flux.
Mutual Inductance accommodates the reality that collapsing Magnetic Fields influence every Winding of the Coil.

An Inductor is a Coil of wire that produces an Electric or Magnetic Field when subjected to Current. Inductive Reactance is the measure of an Inductor's Resistance to any change in Current.
The concept of Inductive Reactance is similar to Resistance,
except Inductive Reactance always has a Voltage and Current phase shift, and,
according to traditional thought, emits no power.
The standard unit of measurement for Inductive Reactance is ohms (or the Horseshoe).

Inductive Reactance is represented by the symbol XL
L is the Coil's Inductance and

Inductive Reactance's dimensional formula is given by
XL = M1 * L2 * T-3 * I-2

Its mathematical formula is equal to
twice the product of pi, frequency and L

Inductive Reactance's Formula
XL = 2 * pi * f * L

Some Convenient Knots For Fiddling Tinkerers

A Tinkerer's first challenge comes as they read from many sources to get an over-all view. It is difficult to decipher differing perspectives when there is no standard set of terms. As I have reverse-engineered Bedini's concept, I have spent an inordinate amount of time and energy to find very descriptive titles with meaningful names to identify the overall process and its stages. Those who appreciate this Presentation will definitely be compelled to purchase my Transient Phase Simulation, which is an intense tool and tutorial, saving Tinkerer's time and resources by accelerating a comprehension of Bedini's design before spending money on an endeavor they may not fully appreciate. Even after building a functional North Pole Motor, my Transient Phase Simulation is both an intense tool and a magnificent resource to explore even greater efficiencies.

The first concept we need to comprehend is a Transient Phase and how Original “Ot” Timed Mechanical or 555B's Switch #1 ON Pulses” (in the Primary Oscillations' Command Center) are used to organize each Transient Phase's shorted Coil's Electron chaos into “Higher Electron Energy Density Intensity Pulses,” which are presented in each Coils' Winding as both initial and secondary VL Spikes (see Figs. 23a, 23b and Coil Saturation).

After a Tinkerer gains a comprehension for the basic concept of a Transient Phase, three of their greatest challenges are the Timing (or speed) of t1's Pulses, the frequency of VL's Pulses (which may be distinct from t1's Pulses in several Transient Phase Simulation scenarios), and the Average DC. A critical perspective was missing from Bedini's explanation of “Switch #1's switching speed” as being a direct result of Transistor B's characteristics, and this new perspective introduces both the task and central pillars of guidance for Fiddling Tinkerers. There is little information given by Bedini that isolates the exact Timings' of Switch #1's “t1 ON Pulse,Switch #1's “t2 OFF Pulse” for a VL Spike, “a Time to capture the Electron Energy” or “Transient t3 Phase's Relaxation” to restore Copper's Electron chaos. And, when viewed from Bedini's perspective, there has been even less guidance than we may have thought, especially when considering Bedini claimed meter readings did not make any sense. The Transient Phase Simulation will intensely stun its Users with clarity as they come to appreciate the breadth and depth of useful information it provides Tinkerers.

My Transient Phase Simulation allows the User to change any major component's characteristics, and all Transient Phase Simulation data is immediately calculated for User evaluation. The Transient Phase Simulation's calculations demonstrate, through viewer analysis, how each stage interacts with your chosen set of component characteristics and, thus, reveals exactly where, in the stages and Ratios, Bedini's concept captures “Tesla's Zero Point Energy.” My Transient Phase data simulates the most critical Ratios of many Bedini designs, allowing an appreciation of Bedini's Efficient Spike hz Premise to be developed. This Simulation is an amazing tool and an extremely valuable tutorial for anyone who is seriously intrigued with either or both Transient Phase's Principles, and will guide its User in specific Bedini designs, saving Tinkerers time and resources by accelerating a comprehension of Tesla's Premise and concept as it is now known, before spending money on an endeavor they may not be able to fully appreciate. Even after building a functional North Pole Motor, my Transient Phase Simulation is a magnificent resource to explore even greater Efficiencies. The goal is VL Spikes. Higher VL Spikes bring Higher AVE DC. Having no guidance for that which each Circuit component contributes towards the creation of VL Spikes is the cause of Bedini's caution with respect to Battery explosions. The following list reveals each VL Spike aspect my Transient Phase Simulation offers to be considered by the User before buying components and building or perfecting a Bedini North Pole Generator.

Another great resource My Transient Phase Simulation provides, aside from assisting the User in designing and accurately comprehending what each component contributes, literally places a User in a position to analyze any other Bedini type design by simply entering the known component values from the Bedini type design in the Simulation. The Simulation also assists with 555 and 556 Wave calculations. The User can zero in on either any Bedini type design's actual function or how the output would be affected by any changes the User may make.

Your goal is a sufficient and Higher AVE DC

The Transient Phase Simulation offers all these highlighted Blue Reference features.
....A Higher AVE DC requires either more and/or Higher VL Spikes
........More Drive/Collector Coil Inductance tenders Higher VL Spikes and, therefore, a Higher AVE DC
............Increase B8, (see Wire AWG, Wire's density)
............Increase B9, (# Wires' / Winding (see Wire AWG, Wire's density)
............Increase Source's Voltage, K32, (see R8 and AMPs R12)
............Increase E4, Core's Diameter (see surface area)
............Decrease E5, Coil's Height (see AWG, Wire's density)
............# Drive/Collector Coil's TURNS
................Decrease E8, Drive/Collector Coil's Turns (see AMPs R12)
................Increase E8, # Drive/Collector Coil's Turns (see AWG, Wire's density)
............Increase F28, # Drive/Collector Coils, (see Wire AWG, Wire's density and VL Spike's Hz)
............Two Drive/Collector Coil Windings K23, amplifies Spikes
............Individually wrapped Wires K24, may require more Drive Coil Turns
............Exponential Wires K26, Theory on # Wires Inductive Reactance amplification

........Less Time (t1, t2) precipitates a Higher VL Spike Frequency
............Increasing K25, K31, Lowers Transistor response Time, (less t1)
............Decreasing R1B, B35, Timer, (less t1)
................Decreasing R1B, (1K), relative to R2B, (270K), balances the Duty Cycle (t1, t2)
............Decreasing R2B, B36, Timer, (less t1, t2)
............Decreasing C1B, B38, Timer, (less t1, t2)
............555 R2B Bypass Diode ON, D37, Timer, (less t1, t2)
............Feedback Diode ON, K27, Can double the frequency of the Spike hz Pump VL Spikes, or more

This remarkable resource will intensely stun its Users with clarity as they come to appreciate the breadth and depth of useful information it provides Tinkerers. One of the greater resources My Transient Phase Simulation provides, aside from assisting the User in designing and accurately comprehending what each component is doing, is taking any other Bedini type design and entering the known component values in the Simulation. The User is literally in a position to analyze any other Bedini type design, and zero in on its actual function.

What We Now Know Fig. 23 illustrates Transient Phase B's initial Supply Voltage (V) across a "shorted Inductor" (VL), where the instantaneous Reluctance places a call the Electrons immediately respond to with a VL Density divided by the circuit's anticipated AMPS Intensity, and the answer is commensurate with Switch #1's "t1 ON" Power Demands.

A Copper Coil's initial Electric and Magnetic Field Reluctance (see chaos, Hysterisis, Henry) is a result of Copper Electron's non-Magnetic response to an expanding and contracting Electric or Magnetic Field's Forces. This Transformation is within Copper's response to maintain an Electron Density equilibrium as they are being compressed, and, wallah, what exists when there is a higher Density Intensity of Electrons? The increase in an Electron's VL Spike has a Potential Difference that is greater than the initial Source V which created the VL Spike, and this expression of FREE Energy has been developed by a non-Magnetic material's response to a developing Magnetic Field when cyclical Instantaneous Voltage Transformation Potential Differences are created in an Electron compression!

Oscillator Switch #1 Pulse Control

Clarity for The Wave

More Clarity On What We Now Know About The Wave

555 Timer Calculations

Welcome to the journey setting you in a realm that reaches beyond what science is willing to accept.

This particular circuit is from a design for a Tesla Coil and I have simply injected a labeled 555B from my Bedini renditions. The concept is credited to Tesla.

It is of particular Note that neither the components' chart or the schematic above include an R7 between 555B's Pin 3 and the Transistor's Base (or Pin 1). The builder must here recognize that the Transistor Bedini uses for Switch #1 cannot handle more than 7 Volts at the Base. So R7 accommodates the maximum Voltage the Transistor's Base will accept if the Voltage to 555B is greater than 7 Volts.

A Transient Phase Simulation User could take this circuit, which is very similar to the School Girl Motor, and have some informative and inspiring moments. A User could either find numerous component combinations to obtain the desired AVE DC, and/or establish totally different component values to meet a User's particular intentions. The Transient Phase's 555 Simulation makes the entire process seamless. Knowing the Spike hz Electron Pump is simply intended to produce enough Electrons to maintain your Charge Batteries initial Electron Volt Charge changes the entire field of your vision and potential. Earlier references to the Van de Graaff Generator, Wimshurst Machine and The Linden Experiment were made because the Impulse Principle is crucial in those applications. The rotations' of these Impulse machines control the frequency (or Timing) of each machines' Spike hz Pump, and their Switch #1s' are identified as their fixed Electron gatherers near the rotating (connection switching), Electron gathering mechanism. All three designs are harnessing an Electric or Magnetic Impulse. The Linden Experiment, however, seems to be the odd man out because its Impulses are Induced by the Magnet.

Three events occur in the Coils during a Spike hz Electron Pump's Transient t2 Phase C when a Switch #1's “t2 OFF” Impulse influences an Electric and Magnetic Field. A large VL Spike may be created by the Reluctance of the Inductive Reactance (or Inductance), where the magnitude of the collapsing Electric and Magnetic Field is partially dependent on Switch #1's "t2 OFF" Timing, and the Impulse's expanding and collapsing Electric and Magnetic Field is allowed to return its accumulated non-Ghosted Electron Energy, that has become greater than its Source V, to the Coils. This isolated Current's Impulse Density Intensity Field, caused by Switch #1's “t2 OFF,” has been amplified by an Impulse's VL Spike's non-Ghosted Electrons and then captured within the Transient Phase.

These t1 and t2 Timing series' cycles (Transient Phases B and C from Fig. 23) of Switch #1's "t1 ON," in concert with the "shorted Coil's Electron building Transient t1 Phase B until the Electron Energy compressed equals the target AVE DC," and Switch #1's "t2 OFF," (or Transient t2 Phase C), is creating a VL Spike along with Transient t2 Phase's secondary t1, introduced through the 1K tuning Resistor, follows with another t2's expanding and collapsing Magnetic Field, and this series and cycle ends with Transient t3's Relaxation Phase. (The secondary t1 and t2 are simply doubling the Mechanical version's VL Spike's frequency to increase the AVE DC.)

All these Impulse events transpire in a Transient Phase symphony of Magnetic Fields, which both split the positives and capture all the Transient Phases' Electric and Magnetic Fields' FREE Electron expansions and collapses throughout each series of the cyclic process, reaching beyond "Zero Point Energy." Each Transient Phases Coils' series encapsulates the innate Electron response and Efficiency of Tesla's design, and prepares Tinkerers for What We Now Know Beyond Bedini Generators.

Either any of my Transient Phase Simulations or the CircuitMaker Program are using Excel
(or Spreadsheet type techniques) for their intense calculations.
It is, therefore, advisable and wise to know Three things:
Any of these resources files can be corrupted if your computer's resources are over-taxed.
and a requirement to use any of the Transient Phase Simulations is to have Excel or an equivalent.
Preserve Original File, and Work only from a backup to avoid File corruption when using these resources, and be vigilant protecting your work.

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