Part One, A very useful link to Tesla’s Wonderful Mysteries


05-12-2011 1:02 am - Dallas Morning News - January 24, 1931

Nikola Tesla powered this all steel frame and body 1931 Pierce-Arrow with electrical Energy that was harnessed from thin air. Not a drop of gasoline or diesel fuel was used. In fact the internal combustion engine was completely removed. No battery banks were used either. This vehicle was driven to speeds of 90 miles per hour with no fossil fuel and just a single 12 Volt battery. This infinite and free Energy source produces absolutely zero emissions.

Dallas Morning News
The Electric Auto that almost triumphed: Power Source of ‘31 car still a mystery
by A.C. Greene,
January 24th, 1931

It is a mystery car once demonstrated by Nikola Tesla, developer of Alternating Current, that might have made electrics triumphant.

Supported by the Pierce-Arrow Co. and Westinghouse in 1931, he took the gasoline engine from a new Pierce-Arrow and replaced it with an
80-horsepower Alternating Current electric motor with no external power source. From the electric motor trailed two very thick cables, which connected with the dashboard. In addition, there was an ordinary 12-volt storage battery. (”There was a 12-volt Willard battery installed in the car, but it was for the lights only and much too small to run the car. In any case.”) The motor was rated at 80 horsepower. Maximum rotor speed was stated to be 30 turns per second (1800 rpm). A 6-foot vertical antenna rod was fitted into the rear section of the car.

At the appointed time, Nikola Tesla arrived from New York City and inspected the Pierce-Arrow automobile. He then went to a local radio store and purchased a handful of tubes (12 radio vacuum tubes), wires and assorted resistors. A box measuring 24 inches long, 12 inches wide and 6 inches high was assembled housing the circuit. The “power receiver” was then placed into the dashboard of the car and its wires connected to the antenna and to the air-cooled, brushless motor.
Two rods 1/4” in diameter stuck out of the box about 3” in length. Tesla began making adjustments on the “power receiver”

Mr. Tesla got into the driver’s seat, pushed the two ¼ inch rods in and stated, “We now have power.” He put the car into gear and it moved forward! This vehicle, powered by an A.C. motor, was driven to speeds of 90 m.p.h. and performed better than any internal combustion engine of its day!
One week was spent testing the vehicle. Several newspapers in Buffalo reported this test. When asked where the power came from, Tesla replied, “From the aethers all around us”. (Aethers are Electromagnetic radiation. Radio waves are electromagnetic radiation which has the lowest frequency, the longest wavelength, and is produced by Charged particles moving back and forth) Several people suggested that Tesla was mad and somehow in league with sinister Forces of the universe. He became incensed, removed his mysterious box from the vehicle and returned to his laboratory in New York City. His secret died with him!

Or did it?

How did aethers power the vehicle? The owner of FuelReducer and editor of this website, Paul W Kincaid, has been trying to answer that question since 2005, when he first read about it in an old magazine he found in a neighbor’s barn. According to data from the 5 years of investigation
there is one very plausible explanation as to how aethers powered the car. Research data indicates that Tesla’s mystery box was nothing more than a simple regenerative vacuum tube radio wave receiver. A type of electronic instrument that receives radio frequencies from thin air and amplifies the received weak radio signal. This simple receiver makes use of vacuum tubes, resistors and wires (the exact same electronic components used by Tesla) to increase the power and/or amplitude of a signal. The main component of Tesla’s “Power Receiver” is the vacuum tube – also called a valve amplifier. The simplest valve amplifier was invented by John Ambrose Fleming while working for the Marconi Company in London in 1904 and named the diode, as it had two electrodes. The diode conducted electricity in one direction only and was used as a radio (or frequency) detector and a rectifier. The diode was most likely used as an instrument to convert AC (Alternating Current is when the movement of electric Charge periodically reverses direction) of RF to DC (Direct Current is the flow of electric Charge in only one direction) In 1906 Lee De Forest added a third electrode and invented the first electronic amplifying device, the triode, which he named the Audion. This third electrode contributes a control grid, which modulates the Current flow between cathode and anode.

Some claim Tesla used the 6-foot antenna (an electrical conductor) mounted on the rear of the car to collect freely available electromagnetic radio waves’ Energy and increase the Current through electrical valve amplifiers. An antenna is a transducer that transmits or receives electromagnetic waves.

Some claim Tesla bought vacuum tube diodes which are vacuum tubes (valve amplifiers) with two electrodes; a plate and a cathode. A diode is a two-terminal electronic component that conducts electric Current in only one direction while blocking Current in the opposite direction (the reverse direction). Thus, the diode can be thought of as an electronic version of a check valve. This unidirectional behavior is called rectification, and is used to convert Alternating Current (AC or the power that comes from your home’s electrical outlets) to direct Current (DC or the power from a battery). AC power circuit is a sine wave. Audio and radio signals carried on electrical wires (such as an antenna) are also examples of Alternating Current.

Some claim Tesla used the vacuum tubes, wires and assorted resistors to build a radio wave receiver/amplifier 24 inches long, 12 inches wide and 6 inches high, with a pair of 3-inch rods ¼” in diameter sticking out. The pair of ¼ inch rods that Tesla pushed in the box were used to close (complete) the circuit – like an on/off switch.

Some claim the rod ends were most likely the positive and negative leads (connections) between the car antenna and and the radio wave receiver/amplifier. By pushing them into the box containing the radio wave receiver/amplifier the connection was completed allowing the radio waves that were received from the air by the antenna to flow through the receiver/amplifier to the electric motor. This is like what you do when you plug an electric guitar into an amplifier. Like an electric guitar amplifier receives the chord’s signal generated by striking a string and the signal travels from the guitar to the amplifier, where the barely audible tone would then be amplified. An electric guitar without an amplifier is essentially an air guitar. Some claim that is basically how Tesla was able to amplify and convert the invisible electromagnetic radiation called radio waves into electricity to power the AC motor in the 1931 Pierce-Arrow. The word electricity comes from the fact that Current is nothing more than Electrons moving along a conductor, like an antenna, that have been harnessed for Energy.

Why hasn’t anyone revealed this 80 year old secret? Because
Tesla built a free Energy device that threatened both government cash cows and the entire Energy sector: the oil industry, the nuclear Energy industry and the hydro electric power monopoly. A device that would bankrupt every oil refinery in the World. A device that would literally put an end to Global warming. Disease and illnesses caused by pollution from oil and gas products would simply disappear. If Tesla’s invention was put into mass production the World would never have been involved in wars in the Middle East and Afghanistan, the Exxon Mobil and BP oil spills would never have occurred, and millions of people would still be alive and very healthy today.

Part Three, From "Lost Science”

History of the Tesla Coil From Wikipedia

Nikola Tesla patented the Tesla Coil circuit on April 25, 1891, and first demonstrated it publicly to the American Institute of Electrical Engineers at Columbia College, New York, on May 20, 1891 in his lecture "Experiments with Alternate Currents of Very High Frequency and Their Application to Methods of Artificial Illumination." Although Tesla patented many similar circuits during this period, this was the first that contained all the elements of the Tesla Coil: a high voltage primary transformer, a capacitor, a spark gap, and the air core "oscillation transformer."

During the Industrial Revolution the electrical industry exploited direct current (DC) and low frequency alternating current (AC), but not much was known about frequencies above 20 kHz, what are now called radio frequencies. In 1887, four years previously, Heinrich Hertz had discovered Hertzian waves (radio waves), electromagnetic waves which oscillated at very high frequencies. This attracted much attention, and a number of researchers began experimenting with high frequency currents.

Tesla's background was in the new field of alternating current power systems, so he understood both transformers and resonance. In 1888 he decided that high frequencies were the most promising field for research, and set up a laboratory at 33 South Fifth Avenue, initially repeating Hertz's experiments.

He first developed alternators as sources of high frequency current, but by 1890 found they were limited to frequencies of about 20 kHz. In a pursuit of higher frequencies he turned to spark-excited (Spike) resonant circuits. Tesla's innovations were in applying Resonance to transformers. Transformers functioned differently at higher frequencies than at the low frequencies used in power systems; the iron core in low frequency transformers caused energy losses due to eddy currents and hysteresis. Tesla and Elihu Thomson independently developed an "oscillation transformer" without an iron core, and the Tesla coil circuit was used to drive it and produce high voltages.

Tesla invented the Tesla coil during efforts to develop a "wireless" lighting system, with gas discharge light bulbs that would glow in an oscillating electric field from a high voltage, high frequency power source. For a high frequency source Tesla powered a Ruhmkorff coil (induction coil) with his high frequency alternator. He found that the core losses due to the high frequency current overheated the iron core in the Ruhmkorff coil and melted the insulation between the primary and secondary windings. To fix this problem Tesla changed the design so that there was an air (Spark) gap instead of insulating material between the windings, and made the iron core so it could be moved in or out of the coil to adjust (or tune) the Inductor to Resonance. He eventually found the highest voltages could be produced when the iron core was omitted (the specific Tuning Elements now known). Tesla also found he needed to put the capacitor, normally used in the Ruhmkorff circuit, between his alternator and the coil's primary winding to avoid burning out the coil (another Resonance and Tuning enhancement). By adjusting (Tuning) the coil and capacitor, Tesla found he could take advantage of the Resonance between the two to achieve even higher frequencies. He found that the highest voltages were generated when the "closed" primary circuit with the "Tuned" capacitor was in Resonance with the "open" (isolated) secondary winding.

Tesla was not the original inventor of this circuit. Henry Rowland built a spark-excited resonant transformer circuit in 1889 and Elihu Thomson had experimented with similar circuits in 1890, including one which could produce 64 inch (1.6 m) sparks, and other sources confirm Tesla was not the first. However Tesla was the first to see practical applications for the concept and patented it. Tesla did not perform detailed mathematical analyses of the circuit, relying instead on trial and error and his intuitive understanding of Resonance. He even realized that the secondary coil functioned as a quarter-wave resonator; he specified the (Resonant wave) length of the wire in the secondary coil must be a quarter wavelength at the resonant frequency. The first mathematical analyses of the circuit were done by Anton Oberbeck (1895) and Paul Drude (1904).

The scientist/author of this website has reflected often on Tesla's “Sparks” and the “aether” and Bedini's references which label this Energy as of the “vacuum or Radiant Energy. The entire focus on what Tesla knew has only been observed and admired from a great distance, as everyone has danced around his fire without any even rudimentary comprehension of what was causing the heat.

The remainder of this section is dedicated to a Chapter on Nikola Tesla in the book titled "Lost Science," by Gerry Vassilatos.

Here-in the red text outlines Gerry's comments, while the black text has been inserted to demonstrate my extending experience and comprehension.

The reaction to Impulses reminded Tesla of his initial observation with the shock-excited (or spark, Spike) wires. He never understood, why those wires which did not explode gave forth far greater Voltages than were initially used. Here was another instance in which applied Energy was seemingly magnified by a (non-Magnetic) conductor.

If the cylinders were too small, then the sheaths were intermittent and unstable. There was an obvious connection between the supplied Impulse train’s” (frequency and the Source's Current capacity) and the “cylinder’s volume (or Inductance or mass).”

Tesla selected a cylinder which worked very well, and placed several horizontal “cuts” all around its surface. He was totally surprised when the cut cylinder’s spark disCharge lengths were increased, meaning the Voltages were notably larger than before. But why was diminished conductivity forcing the Voltage up?

He had noted that electrical Impulses (or sparks, Spikes) displayed a tendency to traverse the outer surface of a electrically conductive (non-Magnetic) metal.
…because they were Impulsing. This “skin effect” was a function of “impulse time” and the conductor’s Resistance (or Inductance). Highly Resistant (or Inductive) objects (compressed or) Forced all of the ”impulse Energy” to the surface.

He believed it was an electrostatic Transformation. These “Impulse Currents” each possessed an electrostatic (or Magnetic) nature.

A constriction (or compression) of this Magnetic Field’s volume produces a greatly magnified Voltage. Placement of any (non-Magnetic) electrical conductor in the Magnetic Field’s space alters the Magnetic Field by constricting its shape. When symmetrical conductors of special shape, volume, and Resistance (or Inductance) are placed in this space, the (Magnetic) Field is greatly constricted (or compressed). The very abrupt Impulsing electrostatic (or Magnetic) Field “snaps” over the (non-Magnetic) electrical conductor from end to end.

Tesla knew that here was where the secret lies. If Resistance (or Inductance) in the (non-Magnetic) electrical conductor is great enough, the snapping electrostatic Magnetic (or Inductance Reactance’s) Field, which cannot move any Charges, is Forced to “grow” over the (non-Magnetic) electrical conductor’s surface until it disCharges at the end point, where greatly magnified Voltages are obtained. Therefore, when wire diameter (or volume) is too small, the wire explodes under the electrostatic (or Magnetic) pressures, which exceed those seen in dynamite.

In deducing these differing responses, Tesla discerned a way to completely separate (and/or isolate) this new electrostatic(Energy) Impulses from (traditional) Charges. Was there limits (to the Energy) in this process?

When each (non-Magnetic) Copper electromagnetic Coil was Impulsed, Tesla saw tremendous white brushes leaping from their free ends: disCharges approaching one million Volts! But his Source was nowhere near these Voltages, and the Coils were not wrapped in thousands of windings. These previously unexpected Voltage magnifications were the results of an Energy Transformation, which took electrical power (or Current) and completely Transformed (this Current) into (a new, higher Voltage) pressure. Watts into (a new and more Efficient form of) Volts.

Electrostatic potentials along a “zero Current Coil’s” surface...

A Coil’s instantaneous Resistance (or Inductive Reactance) to an “applied Impulse” was so immense that Current could not flow through the wire’s length. As a phenomenal consequence, no Current flowed through the Coil’s windings at all! But sparking was observed, traveling from one Coil’s end to the other. Here was yet another (Transient Phase Transformation) anomaly.
Tesla began placing these “secondary” Coils within his “primary” Impulser circuit. The strap which connected his magnetic arc to the capacitors also formed the “primary.” Few engineers actually appreciate these distinctions being made among his Transformer components. The “primary” and “secondary” of Tesla Transformers are not Magnetic Inductors. They are resistive (or non-Magnetic electrically conducting material) Coil-shaped capacitors! A Tesla Transformer’s Transformation is a result of electrostatic Induction (or Inductive Reactance).

Electrostatic Resonance Electropositive Electronegative

His next Transformer employed vertical cylinders with the base connected directly to ground.

Tesla’s Transformers were perceived by him to distinguish the effusive aether from Electrons. Do Tesla Transformers conduct aether and not Electrons, or, in accordance to my research, reveal (Magnetic) Charges facilitate (non-Magnetic electrically conducting material’s) Electron Energy Transfers that are independent of both traditional Resistance or the low and dense Voltage losses?

Tesla used cone-shaped secondaries to focus the Impulses.

The fact that whitefire disCharges pass through all matter, notably (non-Magnetic) electrical conductors, revealed the aetheric (Magnetic) nature. Tesla saw that whitefire disCharges permeated all materials in a strangely gaseous (or Magnetic) manner. In blocking the low and dense (traditional) Charges, he had freed the mysterious effusive aether streams inherent in “the new electricity.” (Spike hz Electron Pump)

Tesla found that as these new “Impulse Transformers” greatly magnified the power supplied to them, their radiant electric effects were also equally magnified.

He also found it possible to wirelessly operate specially constructed motors by properly intercepting (or specifically tuning into) this space-flowing Energy stream (Broadcast power?). He had made his own polyphase system obsolete! (An intro to his self-charging car… NOTE, “Broadcastand “Wireless” may be misleading)

Tesla now possessed the (consistent) means by which the new radiant electrostatic (Energy) could be both greatly magnified and transmitted. (NOTE, “and transmittedmay actually be Transformed) Power could be broadcast to any (specific) location without wire connections. Radiant electricity could be utilized in completely new appliances. (NOTE, “appliancesmay actually be applications)


Understanding the analogy between these new electrostatic Impulse effects and the behavior of high pressure gases was of paramount importance. (Tesla never knew the Source of this new Energy and could not, therefore, comprehend its characteristics) Those who sought out every Tesla lecture were very aware that a new electrical species had been discovered. Tesla had become aware of certain scientific imperatives enunciated by Johann von Goethe. Goethe implied that when natural (Magnetic) conditions (or balances) were preserved during experimentation, then the best of nature was in a configuration to reveal more unified phenomenal exhibitions (of Energy) to qualitative observers. Tesla recognized in his discovery, that an electrical Impulsee (or this new Energy) was a total departure from his original polyphase Alternating Current vision of the vortex, which he had applied to his designs of motors and generators. Tesla now realized that his original vision was not the primary message of the vortex.

Natural or (Magnetic) activity is suffused with Impulses, not alternations. Therefore, all natural or (Magnetic) Energy movements occur as Impulses.

The mysterious flow of meanings during conversation occur as a sequence of directed Impulses in space. Though inert air vibrates in alternations with sounds uttered, and this unidirectional flow (or Energy) of intentions is manifest as Impulses. Motivations proceed from the manifestation of sudden desires. Overtly expressed as actions, the initiating Impulses are then fulfilled.

This wonderful synchronicity, or natural (Magnetic) vortex (of Impulses) was, fortunately, revealing to Tesla a new perspective of (Magnetic) nature. Could it be that an electrostatic Impulse’s Inductive Reactance in (non-Magnetic electrical conductors) summon nature’s (Magnetic) Impulse characteristics?

Taking a Step Back

Gilbert and Descartes shared the belief that these Forces were (a unique)flowing Charge,” a space radiant Impulse stream which took place in tightly constricted (compressed) lines. Some equated the electromagnetic Forces with a “dark light,” which Karl von Reichenbach later proved in part. (As I was meshing these perspectives with my experience and comprehension, this is the first reference to Impulses as actual electromagnetic Forces)

Faraday had envisioned these (compressed) Forces as radiant, streaming lines. 126 But flowlines of what substance?

Henry and Faraday struggled with the idea of deriving usable power (or Energy) from static Charges. The notion was, whereas (these compressed) Force lines were comprised of a “flowing Charge substance,” then fixed contacts placed on Charged masses would then supply electrical power (or Energy) forever. Their research established there was no known way to isolate or capture power (or Energy) from the (conglomeration of) individual flowing (compressed) Force line Charges.
J.J. Thomson discovered Electrons in vacuum disCharges, assuming that these “electrical particles” operated in all instances where electrical activity was observed.

Victorian researchers did not accept this view completely. Thomson’s “Electrons” were viewed as the result of violent collisions across a vacuum, or accelerated space. It was not possible to ascertain whether these same “Thomson Currents” were active within electrical conductors operating at the low and dense (or traditional) Voltages.
Current Charges lag (90 degrees) where (traditional) Forces continue propagating. One is compelled to see that electrostatic Forces precede the movement of Charges. (or, compel us to see the lag both isolates the higher Charges and allows an Efficient manipulation to obtain a “new and more Efficient electrostatic Energy.”)

Tesla could now see that electrostatic Impulses will flow without line Charges. The “zero Current Coil’s” function immobilized the low and dense (or traditional) Charges while allowing the higher Energy Impulse Charges to be isolated (and captured). This “new Electricity” was simply shown to be more in the nature of a pulsing (Magnetic) Force rather than a (traditionally low and dense continuous) stream of massive particles. The question still persisted, what, then, was this “pulsing Current (Transient Phase Transformation)?”

In Tesla’s view, radiant electrostatics were a flowing Energy which WAS NOT composed of Electrons. Tesla didn’t refer to Electron Current as “electrostatic EnergyAbrupt Impulses produced distinctive (and Transformative) effects… fluidic effects. The qualities Tesla ascribed to this new electrostatic Energy in numerous patent texts and presentations refer to the aether. Tesla based this belief on the perception that his zero Current Coils were not conducting the ordinarily (traditionally) observed Charges in “low and dense” circuits. When Tesla spoke of “these new electrostatic effects” he consistently described an effusive, gaseous quality. Tesla referred to space as the “ambient or natural (Magnetic) medium.” Space, he claimed, was that which comprised electrostatic Energy. (Tesla) found a means by which this gaseous electrostatic flow could be greatly concentrated (or compressed), magnified, and directed (or controlled). He perceived this radiant “new electrostatic Energy” as a gaseous emanation. Resistance, volume, capacity, reservoir, surface area, tension pressure, pressure release: these “terminologies of hydraulics” were relied upon throughout Tesla’s presentations. Tesla also recognized that because aether was a gas, the Impulse also had aerodynamic requirements.

Aether, in Tesla’s lexicon, was space flowing electrostatic Energy: a gas of superlative and transcendent qualities. Aether was the electrostatic medium which filled all of space, a vast reservoir of (potential and) unsurpassable Energy. Motive, dynamic, and free for the taking. Aether gas technology would revolutionize the world. Science, industry, corporations, financial alignments, social orders, nations…everything would change.

(Note, I see Tesla’s apex achievement as a more Efficient Electron Current flow. Tesla (mistakenly) believed the new electrostatic Energy” was the aether. This massive eather gas potential is actually manifest by the electromagnetic Forces through non-Magnetic electrical conductors, and Note, this is where Tesla cIouded and conflicted his genius comprehension. Those seeking to replicate Tesla’s apex achievement have also been derailed by trusting Tesla’s mistake.)


Several of these persons, shall we say, were interested in his new discovery and its implications…because their fortunes were threatened.

This stabilizing influence would not be tolerated.

Tesla received an invitation from Lord Kelvin.

This last lecture represents the only recorded instance in which Tesla openly announced his discovery of the electro-radiant Impulse.

Tesla modeled the motor after the Crookes radiometer.

Tesla described beam-transmission of this new “electrostatic Energy,and the possibility of harnessing the radiant Energies of space itself.

Tesla showed by way of comparison that these new “disrupted Field Impulses” transcended all other electro-Inductive effects by several orders.

It is clear that Sir William Crookes completely grasped the significance of Tesla’s entire demonstration and realized the closing formal announcement of the “new electrostatic Energy.” He was also sure that the new Force would completely revolutionize the scientific world.

One night, while in Paris, a telegram informed Tesla that his mother was on point of death.

When English engineers wrote, Tesla gave them very strict descriptive parameters.

The (non-Magnetic electrically conducting) Coil’s Impulse effect” had very stringent requirements. Care in constructing Impulse generators was the basic requirement. Engineers wanted equations. Tesla gave only physical descriptions.

It is often in the nature of academes to forgo empirically evident facts and argue personal differences, especially when foreign personalities are given excessive adulation. Fixated on issues having to do with words and personal poise, Tesla’s audiences found several acrid voices whose equally vile publications dared tamper with Tesla’s character.

Because most younger academes relied entirely on schooling and less on empirical method, they were easily swayed by academic opinion. Tesla underestimated the power of media and of opinions in underrating his abilities. He quickly found that public opinion could actually sway scientific opinion.

Tesla could see no reason in all of this contention. Something did not quite “add up.” So, even Tesla was very aware the “equations” were missing.
The author of this site is compelled to inject a reasonable observation that seems to have escaped Tesla. All those who opposed him were accepted by their own kind because they held advanced educational certification. The personality conflicts were greatly enhanced by the fact that Tesla was not considered an equal, even though he could more than compete with their capacities to resolve issues.

Tesla believed only his work would vindicate him, and false opinion would fade when others gradually saw the astounding developments which he would produce. In these actions, Tesla revealed his noble and naïve nature. The world had changed, but changed toward a more brutish rule.


Copper (non-Magnetic) spheres attached to Transformer terminals reduced the required electrical levels for an Efficient electrostatic radiance. Copper spheres significantly reduced the injurious instabilities of visually spectacular brush disCharges, but did not eliminate them entirely.

Tesla discovered that excessive sparking, though impressive to observers, were actually “lossy (inEfficient) instabilities.” The distant radiant effects he desired were interrupted and distorted whenever sparking occurred. Both sparking and brush disCharges actually ruined the distant broadcast effects of the new radiant “electrostatic Energy,” a situation which had to be remedied. Tesla now sought elimination of the disCharges. Tesla had already found that metals could focus radiant electrostatic effects. Additional stability in his Transformers could be achieved with the addition of large Copper spheres to the active terminals. Tesla considered Copper spheres to be “aether gas reservoir,” providing his Transmitters with an additional aether gas supply. (NOTE, Copper as his “aether gas reservoir” ignores the characteristics of an Inductive Reactance as a non-Magnetic electrically conducting Copper Coil produces the VL Spike’s higher potential when subjected to the Impulsed Magnetic Field’s collapses!)

Tests with elevated Copper spheres facilitated an Efficient transfer of radiant power between the Transformer and surrounding space. Now, Tesla Transformers had become true Tesla Transmitters.

He succeeded in making radiant electrostatic Energy (Lightning) safe for human use. This specially tuned Spike hz Electron Pumps (Impulse frequency’s) output would simply travel around conductors (be Broadcast) and, if the AVE DC was high enough to match receiver’s needs (or Resonance), there was Efficient Energy utility at the in-tune receiver. 134

Part Four "Tesla Quotes”

I have never, above my signature, announced anything that I did not prove first. That is the reason why no statement of mine was ever contradicted, and I do not think it will be, because whenever I publish something I go through it first by experiment, that from experiment I calculate, and when I have the theory and practice meet I announce the results.”

–Nikola Tesla

(In a pre-hearing interview with his legal counsel in 1916 to protect his radio patents from the Guglielmo Marconi and the Marconi Company.)

“I had been constructing with my assistants the first high-frequency alternators (dynamos), of the kind now used for generating power for wireless telegraphy. At three o'clock in the morning I came to the conclusion that I had overcome all the difficulties and that the machine would operate, and I sent my men to get something to eat. While they were gone I finished getting the machine ready, and arranged things so that there was nothing to be done, except to throw in a switch.

“When my assistants returned I took a position in the middle of the laboratory, without any connection whatever between me and the machine to be tested. In each hand I held a long glass tube from which the air had been exhausted. “If my theory is correct,” I said, “when the switch is thrown in these tubes will become swords of fire.” I ordered the room darkened and the switch thrown in—and instantly the glass tubes became brilliant swords of fire.

“Under the influence of great exultation I waved them in circles round and round my head. My men were actually scared, so new and wonderful was the spectacle. They had not known of my wireless light theory, and for a moment they thought I was some kind of a magician or hypnotizer. But the wireless light was a reality, and with that experiment I achieved fame overnight.

“Following this success, people of influence began to take an interest in me. I went into “society,” and I gave entertainments in return; some at home, some in my laboratory–expensive ones, too. For the one and only time in my life, I tried to roar a little bit like a lion.

"But after two years of this, I said to myself, “What have I done in the past twenty-four months?” And the answer was, “Little or nothing.” I recognized that accomplishment requires isolation. I learned that the man who wants to achieve must give up many things—society, diversion, even rest—and must find his sole recreation and happiness in work. He will live largely with his conceptions and enterprises; they will be as real to him as worldly possessions and friends.”

– Nikola Tesla

“Making Your Imagination Work for You.” By M. K. Wisehart. The American Magazine, April 1921.

“As soon as completed, it will be possible for a business man in New York to dictate instructions, and have them instantly appear in type at his office in London or elsewhere. He will be able to call up, from his desk, and talk to any telephone subscriber on the globe, without any change whatever in the existing equipment. An inexpensive instrument, not bigger than a watch, will enable its bearer to hear anywhere, on sea or land, music or song, the speech of a political leader, the address of an eminent man of science, or the sermon of an eloquent clergyman, delivered in some other place, however distant. In the same manner any picture, character, drawing, or print can be transferred from one to another place. Millions of such instruments can be operated from but one plant of this kind. More important than all of this, however, will be the transmission of power, without wires, which will be shown on a scale large enough to carry conviction. These few indications will be sufficient to show that the wireless art offers greater possibilities than any invention or discovery heretofore made, and if the conditions are favorable, we can expect with certitude that in the next few years wonders will be wrought by its application.” –Nikola Tesla “The Future of the Wireless Art.” Wireless Telegraphy & Telephony. By Walter W. Massie & Charles R. Underhill, 1908, pp. 67-71.

Nikola Tesla’s Shocking Experiment: 250,000 Volts Passed Through Own Body In St. Louis, before a large gathering, Nikola Tesla passed a quarter of a million volts of electricity through his body. In 1894, Tesla told an interviewer about his experience. “I did at first feel apprehensive. I had reasoned the thing out absolutely, nevertheless there is always a certain doubt about the practical demonstration of a perfectly satisfactory theory. My idea of letting this current go through me was to demonstrate conclusively the folly of popular impressions concerning the alternating current. The experiment had no value for scientific men. A great deal of nonsense is talked and believed about ‘volts.’ A million volts would not kill you or hurt you if the current vibrated quickly enough — say half a million times to the second. Under such conditions the nerves wouldn’t respond quickly enough to feel pain.”

You see, voltage has nothing to do with the size and power of the current. It is simply the calculation of the force applied at a given point. It corresponds to the actual pressure per square inch at the end of a water pipe, whether the volume of the water be great or small. A million volts going through you doesn’t mean much under proper conditions. Imagine a needle so small that the hole it would make in going through your body would not allow the blood to escape. Imagine it so small that you couldn’t even feel it. If you had it put through your arm slowly, that would be, electrically speaking, a very small voltage. If you had it stuck through your arm with great rapidity, going, say, at the rate of a hundred miles a second, that would be very high voltage. Voltage is speed, pressure at a given point. It wouldn’t do you any more harm to have a needle shot through your arm very rapidly — that is to say, with high voltage — than it would to put it through slowly. In fact, if it hurt you at all, the slow operation would probably hurt more than the other. The question of danger is simply the size of current, and yet if a big enough current should be turned against you and broken with sufficient rapidity — if it should, so to speak, jerk back and forth an inconceivable number of times to the second — it wouldn’t kill you. Whereas if applied continuously, it would simply burn you up.”

(The Wonder of the World - Nikola Tesla, A Greater Electrician Than Edison." By Arthur Brisbane. St. Louis Post-Dispatch, July 22nd, 1894.)

“Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point in the universe. This idea is not novel…We find it in the delightful myth of Antheus, who derives power from the earth; we find it among subtle speculations of one of your splendid mathematicians…throughout space there is energy. Is this energy static, or kinetic? If static our hopes are in vain; if kinetic – and this we know it is, for certain – then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheel work of nature.” – Nikola Tesla