What Bedini Knew of Tesla

Copyright© 2008, E C Distributions

Series 1 of 6, Version 4 of
Builds that Bedini Knew

Series 1 Version 3, 3 Winding Mechanical SG CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY

Series 1 Version 4, 2 Winding Digital SG CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY

Series 1 Version 5, 2 Winding Digital SG CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY

First of A Two Winding Digital SG Circuit

555 Timer Calculations

Series 1, Version 4 of that which Bedini Basically Knew

Digital Calculation Tutorial (2 of 6)

It is of particular Note that neither the components' chart or the schematic above include an R7 between 555B's Pin 3 and the Transistor's Base (or Pin 1). The builder must here recognize that the Transistor Bedini uses for Switch #1 cannot handle more than 7 Volts at the Base. So R7 accommodates the maximum Voltage the Transistor's Base will accept if the Voltage to 555B is greater than 7 Volts.

Assembling Sequence for A Two Winding 555 or a 556 Digital Primary SG Circuit (2 of 6)

junction {01} is located at the Drive Coil's North Pole #23 Wire.
junction {01}, the Drive Coil's North Pole #23 Wire, to the neutral side of S3 (ON/OFF Switch).
Then, also connect another insulated #26 Wire to the same neutral side of S3 (ON/OFF Switch),
and connect this Wire to 555
B's pin #8
and also connect this Wire to 555
B's pin #4.
Then, also connect one lead of R1
B (the first 47 K Timing Resistor) to 555B's pin #4,
and, after a break, connect the other end of R1
B (the first 47 K Timing Resistor) to 555B's pin #7.
Then, also connect R2
B (the second 47 K Timing Resistor) to 555B's pin #7,
and, after a break, connect the other end of R2
B (the second 47 K Timing Resistor) to 555B's pin #2.
Then, also connect C1
B (the 56 nf Timing Capacitor) to 555B's pin #2,
and, after a break, connect the other end of C1
B (the 56 nf Timing Capacitor) to 555B's pin #1,
and, then, also connect another insulated #26 Wire to 555
B's pin #1,
and connect this Wire to Ground.
Then, after a break, connect another insulated #26 Wire to 555
B's pin #3,
and connect this Wire to Q1's pin #1 (2N3584-2 the Base of Switch #1),
Then, also connect another insulated #26 Wire to the same neutral side of S3 (ON/OFF Switch),
and connect this Wire to 555
A's pin #8
and also connect this Wire to 555
A's pin #4.
Then, also connect one lead of R1
A (the first 150 K Timing Resistor) to 555A's pin #4,
and, after a break, connect the other end of R1
A (the first 150 K Timing Resistor) to 555A's pin #7.
Then, also connect R2
A (the second 150 K Timing Resistor) to 555A's pin #7,
and, after a break, connect the other end of R2
A (the second 150 K Timing Resistor) to 555A's pin #2.
Then, also connect C1
A (the 1 uf Timing Capacitor) to 555A's pin #2,
and, after a break, connect the other end of C1
A (the 1 uf Timing Capacitor) to 555A's pin #1,
and, then, also connect another insulated #26 Wire to 555
A's pin #1,
and connect this Wire to Ground.
Then, after a break, connect another insulated #26 Wire to 555
A's pin #3,
and connect this Wire to R8 (the 330 Resistor),
and, after a break, connect another insulated #26 Wire to the other side of R8 (the 330 Resistor),
and connect this Wire to H11D1 pin #1,
and, after a break, connect another insulated #26 Wire to H11D1 pin #2,
and connect this Wire to Ground.

junction {02} is located at the Drive Coil's South Pole #23 Wire.
junction {02}, the Drive Coil's South Pole #23 Wire, to Q1's pin #2 (2N3584-1 the Emitter of Switch #1),
and, after a break, connect another insulated #23 Wire to Q1's pin #3 (2N3584-1 the Collector of Switch #1),
and connect this Wire to Ground.

junction {03} is located at the Collector Coil's North Pole #23 Wire.
junction {03}, the Collector Coil's North Pole #23 Wire, to D2's (the 1N4007 4 Diode Bridge) input
and, after a break, connect another insulated #23 Wire to D2's (the 1N4007 4 Diode Bridge) positive '+' output,
and also connect this Wire to the positive '+' lead of C3 (the 300V Capacitor),
and, after a break, connect another insulated #23 Wire to the negative '-' lead of C3 (the 300V Capacitor),
and connect this Wire to the negative '-' lead of D3 (the 800V SCR),
and, after a break, connect another insulated #23 Wire to the positive '+' lead of D3 (the 800V SCR),
and connect this Wire to Q2's pin #2 (2N3584-2 the Emitter of Switch 2),
and also connect this Wire to H11D1 pin #4,
and, after a break, connect another insulated #23 Wire to H11D1 pin #5,
and connect this Wire to Q2's pin #1 (2N3584-2 the Base of Switch 2).

junction {04} is located at the Collector Coil's South Pole #23 Wire.
junction {04}, the Collector Coil's South Pole #23 Wire, to D2's (the 1N4007 4 Diode Bridge) input,
and, after a break, connect another insulated #23 Wire to D2's (the 1N4007 4 Diode Bridge) negative '-' output,
and connect this Wire to Q2's pin #3 (2N3584-2 the Collector of Switch 2).

Either any of my Transient Phase Simulations or the CircuitMaker Program are using Excel
(or Spreadsheet type techniques) for their intense calculations.
It is, therefore, advisable and wise to know Three things:
Any of these resources files can be corrupted if your computer's resources are over-taxed.
and a requirement to use any of the Transient Phase Simulations is to have Excel or an equivalent.
Preserve Original File, and Work only from a backup to avoid File corruption when using these resources, and be vigilant protecting your work.

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