Transient Phase Stage #2 Simulation Instructions
Copyright © 2008, E C Distributions
My Notes to the Third Principle's Development
(Second Spreadsheet)
My Stage 4 Generator V6_F 1 Batt Insight Modifying Ron Cole's intent
0.000402H Cap= .461uF @ 5V @6Hz
Add -D3 between +D4 T3's C,
Add +D6 -D7 between -D4 -D5,
Then +D3 moved to B+ ...
Note Source, Coil, D3's D4's D5's D6's D7's D8's T3's B & C T4's KW's and Vs,
D3's move may well provide the influence which allows _F Balance.
D3's D4's D5's D6's D7's D8's T3's B & C T4's KW's and V
Lower _F's further increase/influence Efficiency.
Note Source, Coil, -D4, T3's, T4's Watts,
Note D3's D4's D5's D6's D7's D8's T3's B & C T4's KWs and Vs,
and then drop one cap and observe and
Note Source, Coil, D3's -D4, T3's, T4's Watts,
Note Source, Coil, D3's D4's D5's D6's D7's D8's T3's B & C T4's KW's and Vs again
and then place +D8 at -L1 and -D8 at -D4, (V2_B)
Note D3's D4's D5's D6's D7's D8's T3's B & C T4's KW's and Vs once again.
This circuit is an Efficient, Self-sustaining
Sequential Bi-Polar Ground Switching Spike Hz Electron Pump.
Version 2 has pure, only Negative (One Dimensional) Bedini Spikes.
Version 6 has Positive and Negative (or Two Dimensional) Spikes relative to the AVE DC.
C3 controls both Coil Current and D4 D5's Voltage Level & Balance.
Decreasing _F's may increase KW's (Here-in is Power Out Balanced.
There are C3 values which provide massive Coil Current.
An extended Diode Array unveils Capacitive, Voltage and Inductive
influences are not static, and Resistance/Current can be Dynamic/Negative.
Even after all the fluff, a Voltage only Circuit may still replenish Source.
The selected parameters require precision components.
This decimal precision may escape Output’s sensitivity.
Any Stage 4 Version's Harmonics of Osc, L1, C3 are Efficient/stable.
Empty Spreadsheet rows may well be powerful anomalies.
Stage 4 Generator V6_F 1 Batt insight Modifications to Ron Cole's intent
This is a Spike Hz Electron Pump circuit with D5 for enough Electrons
to be present so as to both Run a Load and also sustain V1's Charge
with the higher number of embedded Oscillator's Electrons/second...
Stage 4 reverses the Charge and Discharge in the schematic
and removes T5 T6 T7 to simplify and streamline the circuit
Whereas Stage #4 also reverses QB QP
V3 and Oscillator are nestled in the Spike Hz Electron Pump
Stable Oscillator wave 1 -- 6Hz -- 5KHz - 500kHz
SEE Tesla Earth Resonance, Harmonics, XL~XC, Standing Waves
Oscillator's Hz are key to any Spike Hz Electron Pump's success
The technical dynamic Resonating Harmonic nature of Standing Waves is
an intense interaction of Inductance, Amps, Hz, XL~XC Standing Waves.
These interactions extend dynamically to 4N26s'a LED V Timing influence,
and also expand with each additional, significant decimal places' digit.
These intricate dynamics are designated in a Tesla Coil's conical design,
There is another compelling contribution of the Capacitor's Tuning influence.
(Remember, a Spike Hz Electron Pump supplies Voltage, not Power...
DC = AC * .636
V3 and Oscillator produce QB QP's alternating ON/OFF pulses for 4N26s Base
V3 V drop @ 555 OUT, or R8
V3 V drop after R8 needs to be equal, or Balanced with V drop after R7
V3 is less than the Sum of R7 and R8. This is Balance.
4N26s Base ON/OFF pulses V range can be from 2 - 6 Volts 3.5 RMS 2.23 DC
V3 @7 sets R5 R6 @ 3.85V, @9 sets R5 R6 @ 8.4V, does influence OUTPUTS
R1 R2 C1 set the 555 Oscillator's frequency
Oscillation V Balance via R3 - R8: R5 R6 are OUTPUTS
R8 35.751K Controls 555's Current, DOES influence Balance/OUTPUTS
mv changes occur ~100 OHM steps
.1v changes occur ~1K OHM steps
these raises become exponential
Your circuit is tuned to this setting
R4 is 2.3K R4 R7 Control/Balance R5 R6's OUTPUT
R7 is 9K R4 R7 Control/Balance R5 R6's OUTPUT
R3's OHMS 4.7K
R5's 471 OHMS (3.5V) "OUTPUT Level" to 4N26
R6's 471 OHMS (3.5V) "OUTPUT Level" to 4N26
This Balance sets QB~=QP as digital Base signals to 4N26
QB QP digital Base signals must continue as ON/OFF pulses
Is OSC V @ R7 enough OUT for R5 R6 activate 4N26s Bases'
This Balance transfers 4N26s' Bases' as digital Base signals
These timing 4N26s' OUTPUTS must continue as ON/OFF pulses
4N26s' timed OUTPUTS' V levels must activate T3 T4's Bases'
This Balance transfers T3 T4 digital Base signals.
These T3 T4's timings are the CAPS V Switches, pulsing alternately,
either to employ T4's timing component to Charge the Capacitors
or T3's disCharges to Spike Charge the Source
and end an Oscillator ON/OFF period's pulse.
D3 's accentuates and blocks T4's Collector's Capacitive Discharge
D3 Move accentuates T3 (Collector's) disCharge & Source's Coil Charge
D4 's accentuates T4 Collector's Capacitive Discharge
Now that each section is functioning
There is a strange dilemma with respect to 4N26s' Timings...
Original intent was each 4N26 be alternately ON/OFF engaged
Switching either 4N26's LED wires might bring advantages...
Initial numbers before 2nd Cap was dropped and lower uF are more Efficient
.0001248H 544V
6Hz @ on 12V -D3 -D5 -D6,7 Note how L1 H's influence and V are shifted in 5_E
0.000402H 60000uF 444V 544V 1076V
0.000402H 666uF 466V 533V 1055V
0.00402H 60000uF 490V 553V 1094V
0.00402H 666uF 441V 502V 992V
6Hz again @ only 2V
0.000402H 60000uF 423V 517V 1032V
0.00402H 60000uF 443V 513V 1024V
0.00390H 60000uF 458V 539V 1077V
0.00390H 666uF 432V 507V 1014V
0.00390H 66uF 355V 502V 988V
0.00390H 6uF 307V 502V 998V
0.00390H 60nF 573V 578V 1155V
0.00390H 666pF 521V 580V 1158V
0.00402H 666uF 497V 541V 1091V